Install aquaterm
Install aquaterm

install aquaterm

  • configure cgal to produce static libraries (untick the box that says BUILD_SHARED_LIBS).
  • (I never got it working with clang, my guess is that linking becomes easier if the fortran, C and c++ compilers are all gcc.)
  • when configuring cgal with cmake, specify C and c++ compilers manually to gcc-7 and g++-7, installed via homebrew.
  • #Install aquaterm manual

  • get the latest CGAL source, I used 4.11, and read the manual installation.
  • install aquaterm

    I don't know if all of these steps are necessary, or if there is some other thing I did that got it to work. I can only describe how I got it to work. The reason it is not enabled by default is that making CGAL and Fortran talk to each other is not straightforward. I wrote a Fortran interface to (a very small subset of) CGAL that can be used to generate meshes, triangulations and other things. You might have noticed that there is an optional dependency on CGAL in the provided important_settings. MANPATH = $MANPATH:/Users/olle/tdep-devel/man PATH_TO_CGAL_LIB = "-L/Users/olle/software/CGAL-4.9/build/lib -L/usr/local/lib" PATH_TO_CGAL_INC = "-I/Users/olle/software/CGAL-4.9/build/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/eigen3" # If I want to link with AIMS, I have to specify where it is PATH_TO_AIMS_LIB = "-L/Users/olle/software/aims/lib" PATH_TO_AIMS_INC = "-I/Users/olle/software/aims/src" AIMS_LIBS = "" As I said, getting this up and running # is not easy. You can get strange, strange errors otherwise.

    install aquaterm

    CPP_COMPILER = "gcc-7" CPP_FLAGS = "-std=c++0x -frounding-math -O3 -Dusecgal -DCGAL_USE_GMP -DCGAL_USE_MPFR -DCGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED -DNDEBUG -DBOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY=12 -Wno-deprecated-declarations" CGALLINKLINE = "-lstdc++ -lCGAL -lmpfr -lgmp -lboost_system -lboost_thread-mt" # It's important at least a majority of these libraries are compiled with the same c++ compiler # as above.

    install aquaterm

    I have wrapper functions in C, that I call from Fortran. Not recommended for people who do not like to sort out compiler errors. PATH_TO_FFTW_LIB = "-L/usr/local/lib" PATH_TO_FFTW_INC = "-I/usr/local/include" FFTW_LIBS = "-lfftw3" # Also need MPI PATH_TO_MPI_LIB = "-L/usr/local/lib" PATH_TO_MPI_INC = "-I/usr/local/include" MPI_LIBS = "-lmpi_mpifh -lmpi" # I also use HDF5 every now and then PATH_TO_HDF5_LIB = "-L/usr/local/lib" PATH_TO_HDF5_INC = "-I/usr/local/include" HDF5_LIBS = "-lhdf5 -lhdf5_fortran" # We also need a C-compiler C_COMPILER = "gcc-7" # Things below this line is strictly optional, and not really needed except for testing purposes. On OSX with gfortran, use the built-in 'framework accelerate' PATH_TO_BLASLAPACK_LIB = " " PATH_TO_BLASLAPACK_INC = " " BLASLAPACK_LIBS = "-framework accelerate" # I use fftw for Fourier transforms. PRECOMPILER_FLAGS = "-DGP $ -Dgfortranprogressbar -DAGRESSIVE_SANITY" # these are the flags that are needed for gfortran FCFLAGS = "-Wl,-commons,use_dylibs -ffree-line-length-none -std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics -cpp -fopenmp" # These are the BLAS/LAPACK libraries. Selecting default gnuplot terminal, and make the progressbars work. GNUPLOTTERMINAL = "aqua" # nice on OSX, needs aquaterm installed and gnuplot compiled with support for it. PYTHONHEADER = "#!/usr/bin/python" # Which gnuplot terminal to use by default. MODULE_FLAG = "-J" # the header to put in python scripts. DOUBLE_FLAG = "-fdefault-real-8" # The flag that tells the compiler where to put. OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-Ofast" # the flag that sets the default real to a double. # the fortran compiler FORTRAN_COMPILER = "gfortran-7" # optimization stuff. You probably have to modify this to make things work. #!/bin/bash # A central place to put all the important paths.

    Install aquaterm